solo travel

Getting out of my comfort zone... and other things to do in Colmar, France

At least once a year, I like to go on a solo adventure. This style of travel enables me to travel at my own pace, see places on my list that my loved ones may not wish to visit, and it is pretty empowering. However, prior to this getaway, my previous solo trips have usually been to English-speaking countries (like Australia and Scotland), or to join an organised tour (as I did for Morocco and Cuba) - or just for the day via the Eurostar. However, this time, I decided to up the ante a little. Armed with my Duolingo app and over a decade-old GCSE French skills, I embarked on a three-day trip to Colmar in France. By train. With a small backpack. A mini interrailing adventure, some might say!

Colmar is a town in the Alsace region that I’ve longed to visit for a while. So much so, in fact, that it even earned its own spot on my #30before30 list. Situated close to the French-German and French-Swiss borders, the medieval architecture and quaint town centre look like something out of a fairytale, and I had to see it first hand. This holiday definitely put me out of my comfort zone in a variety of ways, but all with positive outcomes.

The trains

The moment Eurostar announced their ‘£35 one way’ sale in February, I knew what I had to do. After an hour of logistics and planning between the Eurostar and TGV websites, I booked my tickets to Paris and Colmar. Just three-to-four train rides from my Sussex home and I could be in Colmar! Hey, that's fewer changes than I make to get to some places in London! The journey would include a four-hour stopover in Paris each way - a city I've visited on various occasions in the last 11 years - so initially, I wasn’t out of my comfort zone at all. I knew I needed to get about with ease, so avoided large luggage; I decided to pack super lightly (the lightest I've ever packed for an overnight(s) stay, actually), fitting everything in my little backpack and handbag.

Where being out of my comfort zone came into play was when it came to understanding the train route. For the fourth train, my ticket said I needed to change at Strasbourg, but my third train was headed to Colmar as its final destination anyway. Initially, I was very confused, intently listening to announcements, but understanding very few sentences. Once I checked the SNCF website, it showed there was a 15-minute stop in Strasbourg - no changes needed on my way to Colmar. However, on my return journey, I did have to change. I used the same website’s arrivals and departures board to coordinate my platform change. The travel Gods were smiling down on me: although there are around 30 platforms at Strasbourg, my platforms were less than two minutes apart, and my onward train was delayed by 10 minutes anyway, so I had ample time to get to the right place. On the Eurostar back, it was like the Eurostar company had been confused, and/or had a glitch, as my seat was double booked! I was already seated when the other traveller and her husband arrived, and we both showed each other our tickets, and they were the same. We had a laugh about it, and as I was settled, they sought to rectify it with the conductor.

France is still pretty strict on the Covid regulations when it comes to public transport: before you even enter King’s Cross’ Eurostar area on your way to France, a guard instructs all masks are on properly, then before passport control, another guard scans your vaccine QR code. If your vaccine is over 9 months old, it must include the QR code for your booster too. This was the first time since I’ve been vaccinated that my QR code has actually been scanned, not just looked at, and I’ve been to three countries in that time…


A big element of being out of my comfort zone was the language barrier. Unlike many tourist towns and cities I've visited, almost no one back home had heard of Colmar, and upon arrival, I realised there were very few British tourists here. Not just that, but where I was staying, about 15 minutes out of the centre, there weren't many tourists full stop. In the town centre, there were more English speakers working in the shops and at attractions, but even the other tourists were mostly from their neighbouring countries like Germany and Switzerland. While at first, this made me a little uncomfortable, soon after, I very much embraced it. For years, I've been learning French on and off, and being in Colmar on my own fully immersed me in the language and helped to expand my vocabulary. I even had to learn how to say "there's a cockroach in my bathroom, help!" in French - that insect definitely put me out of my comfort zone!


Usually, my go-to routine when travelling solo is to board a city sightseeing bus, get a little history and overview of the city, then stick my headphones in, listen to my music, and explore the attractions more closely on foot. I did a version of that in Colmar, but this time, the other way around. Even something as simple as this was new for me - not completely out of my comfort zone per say, but a little different. Without context or my bearings from that preliminary tour, I just walked and got lost in the weaving streets of the Old Town, snapping pics of the beautiful bold buildings and their intricate roofs, sometimes accidentally circling back to the same spot or retracing my steps.

After getting my bearings on foot, I bought a ticket for a 30-minute boat tour along Petite Venise. I boarded the small wooden boat with a German family; the host asked what languages we'd like and thankfully did all three (French, German and English). It was beautiful to see the town from the water, and also venture into an area with more wildlife and bountiful bird calls.

After disembarking, I walked back into the main area to admire the architecture of Maison Pfister and neighbouring Saint Martin Collegial, and then intended to make my way to the Unterlinden Museum, but instead decided on a whim to board the tourist train - a train version of my fave bus tours, woohoo! I got to learn the history of some of the impactful buildings, as well as other fun facts I otherwise would not have known. I mean, who else is counting the heads on the facade of Maison des Tetes? It's worth carrying a bit of cash as you venture around Colmar's town centre; I had to run to an ATM to pay for the tourist train, and also had to find a different shop for bottled water at one point earlier in the trip, due to a minimum card spend.

Unfortunately, one thing I missed out on was the Alsace wine route. I'd really hoped it for my itinerary, but only the full-day tours were available during my stay (half-day tours were available at other times of the week) and I didn't want to lose out on eight hours in Colmar itself. Without a car, pre-organised tours are the best way to do the wine tours and the castle.

Dining alone

For some reason, I have absolutely no qualms over eating breakfast or lunch alone in a restaurant, but I have a sticking point when it comes to dinner. Of course, I've dined on my evening meal on other travels, but I'd always eat as quickly as possible. However, here, I had no choice but to enjoy a long, indulgent meal, solo. On my first night, I chose to dine close to my hotel. As noted above, this meant absolutely no English-speaking staff. However, I apologised for my poor French (en francais, of course) and the waiters were very patient and gentil to me... but all the while speaking French, so I really had to practise. I realise the locals here love veal, so I made sure to have at least one veal-based meal during my stay. On the first night, this was washed down with a few Saint Germain spritzes because it was the restaurant’s speciality.

Overall, I am very proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone, and it’s given me the confidence to consider a long train-based trip. A luxury interrailing trip perhaps… hey, Orient Express, do you have any deals going?!

Bonus paragraph: A brief interlude in Paris

It wouldn't be a truly accurate article on my trip if I didn't detail my time in Paris, which bookended my time in Colmar. I spent around four hours in Paris each way. One of my favourite places in Paris is the fountains outside the Louvre, so I made a beeline for this from Gare du Nord upon arrival in France. I then decided to take a Batobus river cruise down the Seine; it is a cheap and yet lovely alternative to just strolling along the banks myself. Unfortunately, I missed the first boat of the day by mere minutes, which meant by the time I boarded, I couldn't do the whole loop otherwise would have missed my train to Colmar. However, I made up for it on my trip home by visiting my favourite sites again, like Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower (sorry, I'm a basic tourist!), making friends with a Californian tourist, and visiting Laduree for macarons. They were so polite and lovely, and I chose some unique flavours like black sesame and the Marie Antoinette, the latter of which was quite zesty. A great few hours spent in the French capital on both travel days.

Treating yourself when travelling… and other things to do in Loch Lomond, Scotland



As I begin writing this, I can hear the familiar gentle lapping of waves hitting the shore and pulling back, repeatedly. It's one of my favourite sounds. Except this time, it's not coming from the Rain Rain app, so I can drift to sleep, or a video that I took at the beach on my travels; it's the sound of Loch Lomond right outside my window. 

You know how Colin Firth goes to a lake to write while sat in a cute cabin in Love Actually? Yeah, that's me right now. But whether or not you're a writer, illustrator or working in finance, it's important to treat yourself on your solo travels. It is perpetuated far too much that to be a proper 'traveller' - solo or otherwise - you have to don a backpack, sturdy shoes, and go on relentlessly about sticking your budget. While I'm donning the first two and usually guilty of the latter, I broke the mould with this trip to the village of Luss on the west bank of Loch Lomond in Scotland - without breaking the bank too much.

Book early

The early bird always gets the worm, hence all the so-called early bird offers. I had my heart set on a particular hotel, the Lodge on Loch Lomond, from the very start of planning this trip. From its close proximity to the Loch to the brilliant reviews from previous guests, all the cheaper hotels, B&Bs and even the gorgeous waterside hostel didn't compare (though the latter was a close second, but had no availability - see, gotta get in quick!) I booked around eight weeks in advance and got discounted rates, as well as breakfast included, and I was able to specify that I wanted a loch-facing room. Don't get me wrong, it was still the most expensive room I’d stayed in for a night, but I got a good rate and, boyyyy, was it worth it - more on that later.

Train tickets are another thing that are hella cheaper when booking advance. Yes, flights might have been quicker than the five-hour ride (plus the rather scenic hour's bus ride from Glasgow to Luss), but at just over £30 each way, I couldn't go wrong. Virgin Trains are pretty good when you're lucky enough to catch the deals. If you have an unreserved ticket, get there half an hour before, so as soon as the gate is open you can bag a good seat. There are one or two reserved cabins, depending on the size of the train. I hopped on the U cabin and managed to bag a full four table to myself in a forward-facing seat, next to the window. However, if I was a little smarter with it, I'd have gone with the C cabin for all this, plus all the snacks...

Choose one thing you're happy to properly splash all out on

That view… this photo doesn’t do it justice.

That view… this photo doesn’t do it justice.

For me, it was the hotel. The boujis-ass hotel with the award-winning, two AA Rosette restaurant, Molton Brown bath amenities and a location right on the water's edge. Hey, if you're going to splash out on something, it might as well be the place you'll retreat to at the end of the day (or in my case, all evening because I couldn't tear myself away from the window). With its panelled wood interiors from floor to ceiling, gorgeous water and mountain views from the large windows and the soothing soundtrack of the waves, I felt like I was on a luxury boat. 

Room service was all part of this indulgence: a two-course dinner, with prosecco - garnished with a raspberry - plus Scottish shortbread biscuits, which I'm not ashamed to say I ate in between my meal, not after, then finished off in the bath just because. Doing it for the 'gram (except I didn't cos I was #livingmybestlife in REAL life). I have never felt so happily stuffed, apart from on Christmas Day. While the deep bath was something, the bed was something more. I'm a petite gal as it is, but I've genuinely never slept in that huge a bed. I have no regrets.

Remember that some experiences are priceless... 

I have never awoken to a more beautiful sight as I did in the morning (hotel windows and male suitors inclusive). I naturally woke up at around 7.15am, my body probably anticipating a day of work, and watched the sunrise over Loch Lomond from my bed.


Even as a writer, I don't think I can adequately put into words how content I felt for that hour or so. I did a Ross Gellar and stayed until the very last minute of my check-out, wanting to soak in every minute of this view that I could.

Other wonderfully free and freeing moments on this trip included seeing a pretty rainbow over the rolling countryside green on my train journey up, and strolling through Luss, sheep to the left of me, chocolate-box houses and mountains to the right, feeling like I was in the village off Postman Pat (the original, not the new computer-animated version, urgh).

... And get the most out of the ones that aren't

I told a lie earlier as I actually do have one regret from this trip: the hotel had some great spa facilities included in the room price that I didn't make the most of. However, breakfast I most definitely did, piling my plate high with hot Scottish breakfast goodies, including tattie scones and black pudding. I'll also only mention it one more time - promise - but I defo made the most of the view from my bedroom...

However, it's worth saying, that you shouldn't do yourself a disservice by forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do just to get your money’s worth. After all, the whole joy of solo travel is that you don't have to stick to a plan you previously committed to with someone else; you can do as you damn well please. 

Loch Lomond and Luss are also a nerve centre for a whole host of activities from water sports and cruises to hikes and wildlife excursions. While I had plans to take advantage of the activities here, in the end, I didn’t - and that’s okay! I will on my return.

Don't let anyone make you feel bad

Personally, I never drop big sums of money on the likes of clothes, shoes or bags (or anything less archetypal of a girl either - whoops, sorry PC police). Instead, trips abroad are my vice and, even then, I always make sure I have a good deal for what it is. Still, in flip mode to how people used to flash the cash, I genuinely feel there is a kind of millennial competition at times for who's the worst off in some circles. Don't fall into that. You work hard and save hard day in, day out - you can afford yourself a treat, so go ahead and do it!